Today (or yesterday) at
Pet Blogs United it was a Friendly Friday; that means we get to write about one of my friends. Well I confess I have been a lazy boy. I have a missed the last three Friendly Friday (this is friendly Firday number 4) so I have going to write about three of my friends. Again I love all of my friends on the blogging world and it is so hard to choose.
The first blog we will introduce yall to is
Khyra. Khyra is a siberian husky; Khyra is always the first person to comment on my blog. And i love to read about Khyra, her Koushin
Harley, and Merdie (I love Merdie in the
frogie pose.) Khyra is always doing terrfic stuff for doggies that need forever home. Go over there and say hi!
Holly is an cocker spaniel mix. Holly, like Khyra, is one of the first friends I have made when i first started blogging. I was surprised and saddened to hear that Holly was not feeling well but i am happy to say that Holly is feeling much better! Check out her Auntie Gwen (who we love reading about on her rock on this
post. Recently her momma has learned to used adobe photoshop and she makes some great pictures of holly. Check some pictures out
Neeko S. Spaulding is a one year old yorkie with the mostest. I love reading neeko's posts especially the jokes at the end of each of them. Like this post
here. Sometimes i do not understand them and momma has to tell me what they are about. Well Neeko has a shih tzu sister named Chi-Chi and she is too cute. of course his brother LeoT is cute as well. Check them out at the
halloween parade in Chicago where you will get to see other doggies with bloggies such as Sugar, Mr. Pip, Those Elgin Pups.
I hope you all get to stop by and say hello to all of these blogs that I enjoy reading every day!